Few people have a true understanding of the global monetary system. Learn what makes the US dollar so unique and how it's used to make the very few very rich.
Understanding value reduces your exposure to risk and increases your bottom-line. Learn the principles of value, when and how to apply them.
How are stocks, bonds and pork bellies traded? Why is everyone so fearful of options? Learn what the NYSE is and
how it really works. SCAM or REAL? Learn what they are and the players behind them.
What makes the rich so successful? Do they really think differently than the rest of us? Learn how to train your mind and behavior to think and be rich.
The Rich Bastard's Lair
Join me in the drawing room to see what Rich Bastards are up to and meet the featured Rich Bastard of the Moment.
Ride in style with my featured guest as we dine on a gourmet meal prepared by the best chefs in the area. From CEOs to billionaires, will share their thoughts and advice on where and when to invest next.
How could we possibly not include real estate? Learn different techniques that
will have your ROI on steroids. SPECIAL REPORT____________________
25 Stocks To Dump Now!
My name is Don Mahoney. I am the Managing Partner at the Victory Group and Chief Investment Officer at the Victory Fund. You can only imagine the sometimes overwhelming responsibilities I have but nothing is more important in my daily routine than to make money for my partners and our clients. Everything else is secondary to improving our bottom-line.
At both the partnership and the fund, we are focused on establishing strategies to hedge the market climate while exploring both short term and long term opportunities. By setting realistic goals and an advisory strategy that is mapped to risk tolerance, our clients have enjoyed average returns of 140% annually. So we’re pretty good at making money for ourselves and our clients. Every time we invoke a successful strategy that reaps a significant return, I think to myself, “Boy, we have the greatest capital system on earth”. Then I think about so many others who haven't benefited from this system or realize that there are exciting opportunities around them all the time. Although, these hard working people struggle daily to provide for themselves and their families, they can’t seem to get beyond just surviving or even contributing toward their retirement. It’s for this very reason why I created the Millionaire Maker Investment Advisory Blog. I am going to share some very useful and often coveted information completely free of charge. If you are willing to put forth a little research and effort, you will certainly improve your perspective toward investing, improve your financial situation and most definitely improve your retirement goals. I initially chose the name Millionaire Maker for my blog. I was amazed to see how many people have used “Millionaire Maker” as part of their blog title. I wondered if their blog really shared information that would enable someone to make a lot of money or better yet to actually become a millionaire. If so, would this valued information be offered free of charge? I also wondered whether the blog authors were millionaires themselves. It would seem silly to take advice on how to make a lot of money from someone who doesn't have much of it. Unfortunately, many people perhaps out of fear or doubt do exactly that. I never understood why people give financial planners from the various banks or brokerage houses the time of day. Typically, these people who are brokering these services and sub par investment strategies have far less money than their clients. Commission sales people that push investment strategies or retirement products that they personally don't participate in seems a bit unethical to me. After all, how could they truly recommend the best options for their clients? I understand that some people may view investing, retirement and tax planning as complex and would rather delegate that role to someone else. However, these people fail to realize that no one more so than yourself has YOUR best interest at heart especially when it comes to the management of your money. Sure brokers and account managers earn larger commissions and bill more fees as your portfolio grows but if their decisions fail, you suffer the consequences. Think about it...You have enabled someone else to establish your strategy, play with your money and hope for the best while you take all the risk. I believe it is EVERYONE's responsibility to understand money, their finances and set your own strategy to attain realistic goals. I am not recommending that everyone go out and take a Series 7 course to understand finance. I do think that people need to learn about things they have a limited understanding of, especially money. Once a person gains knowledge, then it is easier to select the appropriate expert to assist you with executing YOUR strategies to meet YOUR goals. We have all heard that “Knowledge is Power” but do you realize that it is a very true statement? Do you really believe that people with more money than you are better educated, luckier or are just more deserving because of their breeding? The rich get richer for a reason; it has to do with knowledge not luck. It all comes down to what you know, who you know and what you ultimately do with that knowledge. I sometimes tell people that there are three ways of doing things; the wrong way, the way everyone thinks it should be done and the right way. The wrong way most of us can pretty much figure out, but the way everyone thinks it should be done is a little tricky. Typically, this is something we have heard all our lives and it has been enforced upon us as gospel. We are encouraged to follow it to a tee otherwise we shall undoubtedly fail. There is no better example of this as: Get an education; Get a good job; Save and invest your money and then you retire happily ever after and live the American Dream, right? With the rising cost of education today few can afford to go to an university or trade school without incurring an incredible amount of debt once you graduate. Trying to get a job yet alone a good one is a bit of a challenge in an economy that boasts an unemployment rate greater than 8%. Let’s not forget about the 15% that have exhausted their unemployment benefits and are no longer counted. To make matters worse, we have the lack of common-sense demonstrated daily at the Federal Reserve under the leadership of the illustrious Ben Bernanke; whom we have to thank for the rising inflation which makes it nearly impossible for most people to save or invest toward retirement the way everyone thinks it should be done. The last hope of retirement for a majority of Americans vaporized in the late 1990’s. We have the greatest concentration of wealth in this country and an ever-increasing population of people who aren’t working or are financial stagnant. The struggling reality many people are facing is fueled by the "I'm in a fix and I can't see my way out of it!" mentality but it must end NOW if you want to position yourself and your family for a prosperous future. From this point forward, you WILL open your mind to a new perspective that you can overcome your financial constraints and that you will start to do things the RIGHT way. The information that I will share will undoubtedly help you to become better in-tuned to money, understand how money REALLY works and how to analyze a situation to see if it is truly beneficial for you. We are going to evaluate and discuss the market climate so you can derive your own common-sense approach to maximizing your investment strategy and income potential. Occasionally, I will post links from our radio blog and From The Back of The Rolls series, where I interview some of the most successful and brightest investors, fund managers, and CEOs who share their thoughts as to where the market and certain sectors are headed, how to weather a storm and even where they are investing their money. Some of you may have questions and or comments regarding some of the blog content and would anticipate my response. Please keep in mind that this blog is purely a courtesy and my clients and partners are my foremost priority. My professional obligations seriously limit my ability to respond to every inquiry or comment but for the most part, I will do my best. I may have to be a little selective in the process but don’t take it personal if I don’t answer your question initially. I may respond to your questions in the form of another posting. So welcome, sit up, put on your thinking cap and absorb as much information as you possibly can to position yourself toward millionaire status. Happy Investing! ~D~ |