No Jail Time For Beanie Babies
Billionaire Tax Evader Ty Warner
Rejecting federal prosecutors’ argument that a tough message must be sent to would be tax cheats, Chicago Federal District Court Judge Charles P. Kocoras today sentenced Beanie Babies creator H. Ty Warner to two years of probation and 500 hours of community service for evading taxes on a secret Swiss bank account that reached $106 million in value. The account, which Warner opened at UBS AG in 1996 and kept secret for 12 years, earned $25 million during that period, allowing him to avoid $5.5 million in tax.
The probationary sentence is the latest and arguably most dramatic case yet of federal judges going easy on tax cheats and particularly old rich folks convicted of hiding offshore accounts. According to the U.S. Sentencing Guidelines, which ratchet up sentences with the dollar value of a white collar crime, Forbes 400 member Warner should have gotten 46 to 57 months in jail. (The maximum sentence for the one count of tax evasion Warner pleaded guilty to in September is five years.)
The Chicago Tribune reports that Warner read aloud from a prepared statement before his sentencing, telling the judge that he was “truly sorry” and “never realized that the biggest mistake (I) ever made in my life would cost me the respect that was most important to me.”
The 69-year-old entrepreneur’s lawyers had argued that he should get off with probation and community service because of his age, good works and rough childhood and because others convicted of having secret offshore accounts, including fellow Forbes 400 member Igor Olenicoff, have avoided jail. California real estate developer Olenicoff got two years probation in 2008 after he pleaded guilty to the felony of filing a false tax return and admitted hiding more than $200 million at UBS and other offshore banks. In a deal the Department of Justice later came to regret, prosecutors didn’t object to Olenicoff getting off with probation after he paid $52 million in back federal taxes, interest and civil fraud penalties. To the chagrin of enforcers, Forbes headlined a story about Olenicoff’s sweet deal, Stay Out Of Jail For $52 Million?
Warner paid a $53 million fine for failing to file the required Foreign Bank Account Reports (FBARs) —a penalty that equals 50% of the maximum he had offshore. According to his attorneys’ sentencing memo filed with the court, he is also paying another $16 million in back taxes and interest. Even after those payments, he will still, according to an accounting he gave the government, be worth more than $1.8 billion.
Warner, in contrast to Olenicoff, was required to plead guilty to the more serious offense of tax evasion and federal prosecutors had asked that he get at least a year and a day of jail time. In their sentencing memo, they dismissed Olenicoff’s no jail deal as an “outlier” because it took place “prior to the discovery of the scope and depth of the scheme to evade taxes perpetrated by UBS AG and its customers.”
In pushing for a jail term for Warner, prosecutors said in their court filing that probation “would further a public perception that a defendant of means can avoid further punishment simply by writing a large check” and could lead would-be evaders “to believe that if they underreport their income, they can simply pay a fine and the tax due.” (The government more successfully used a public message argument before action star Wesley Snipes was sentenced to a three-year sentence on tax charges, the maximum allowed in his case.) In arguing for jail for Warner, prosecutors noted that some offshore tax cheats have gone to jail and those who have avoided prison had less money offshore and in some cases had provided prosecutors information about banks and asset managers it didn’t already have.
But Korcoras cited the good works Warner has done, the fines he paid and the fact that he tried unsuccessfully to join the government’s offshore amnesty/voluntary disclosure program. “Warner’s private acts of kindness, benevolence and generosity are overwhelming,” said the judge, who read aloud several letters from Warner supporters. He added, according to a report broadcast on Chicago’s WBBM Newsradio, that he had struggled with the decision, but considered his decision just. In addition to requiring community service, he fined Warner $100,000.
According to the Tribune , after the sentencing, U.S. Attorney Zachary Fardon told reporters that despite the no-jail sentence, prosecutors had “held Mr. Warner accountable by bringing this case.” He added: ”It’s not what we asked for…But we have taken a position we think is fair and right under the circumstances, and that is the best that we can do.”
Warner applied to the IRS’ offshore amnesty program in September 2009, but was rejected because prosecutors already had his name, making him ineligible. More than 39,000 taxpayers have been granted amnesty from criminal prosecution since the Internal Revenue Service started the program in 2009. His lawyers had speculated that his was one of the 285 names UBS turned over to the U.S. government in February 2009 as part of a deal to avoid prosecution, but prosecutors said they learned of Warner’s secret account back in 2008. Moreover, they pointed out, by the time Warner tired to enter the program, his UBS banker, Hansreudi Schumacher, had been indicted and another Schumacher client, Jeffrey Chernick, a toy manufacturer, had pleaded guilty. Chernick, who had a maximum of $8 million offshore, cooperated with prosecutors and was sentenced to three months incarceration. Ironically, one of the longest offshore sentences was imposed on Bradley Birkenfeld, the former UBS banker who became a whistleblower and exposed the extent of the bank’s business with tax evading Americans. He got 40 months, (prosecutors claimed he didn’t tell them about client Olenicoff), but later won a $104 million IRS informant’s award, the largest ever.
In 1996, after Beanie Babies took off, Warner went to Switzerland to open a secret account at UBS. The government says he has never explained whether the money he put in the account was previously taxed or skimmed from his business. (Clearly, however, he reported the vast majority of his income; in 1999, at the height of the craze, Warner reported $662 million in adjusted gross income on his tax return, the government itself noted in its pre-sentencing filing.)
In 2002, after UBS signed a “Qualified Intermediary Agreement” with the Internal Revenue Service that required it to report certain information about U.S. taxpayers, Schumacher left UBS and advised some of his customers to move their money to Zuercher Kantonalbank (ZKB). That year, Warner again traveled to Switzerland and instructed UBS to move his money to ZKB and communicate only with Schumacher.
According to his lawyers, Warner, who owns New York’s Four Season hotel, as well as toy company Ty, Inc., has paid $1 billion in taxes over his lifetime.
Warner left the courtroom today without comment on his sentence. But a PR representative later emailed reporters a statement from Gregory Scandaglia, Warner’s legal counsel. “We are grateful for and humbled by the judge’s ruling,” it read. “The judge heard from many people who have benefited from Ty’s quiet generosity over the years, and he crafted a sentence that allows Ty to continue to make amends in a way that most benefits society. ”
The probationary sentence is the latest and arguably most dramatic case yet of federal judges going easy on tax cheats and particularly old rich folks convicted of hiding offshore accounts. According to the U.S. Sentencing Guidelines, which ratchet up sentences with the dollar value of a white collar crime, Forbes 400 member Warner should have gotten 46 to 57 months in jail. (The maximum sentence for the one count of tax evasion Warner pleaded guilty to in September is five years.)
The Chicago Tribune reports that Warner read aloud from a prepared statement before his sentencing, telling the judge that he was “truly sorry” and “never realized that the biggest mistake (I) ever made in my life would cost me the respect that was most important to me.”
The 69-year-old entrepreneur’s lawyers had argued that he should get off with probation and community service because of his age, good works and rough childhood and because others convicted of having secret offshore accounts, including fellow Forbes 400 member Igor Olenicoff, have avoided jail. California real estate developer Olenicoff got two years probation in 2008 after he pleaded guilty to the felony of filing a false tax return and admitted hiding more than $200 million at UBS and other offshore banks. In a deal the Department of Justice later came to regret, prosecutors didn’t object to Olenicoff getting off with probation after he paid $52 million in back federal taxes, interest and civil fraud penalties. To the chagrin of enforcers, Forbes headlined a story about Olenicoff’s sweet deal, Stay Out Of Jail For $52 Million?
Warner paid a $53 million fine for failing to file the required Foreign Bank Account Reports (FBARs) —a penalty that equals 50% of the maximum he had offshore. According to his attorneys’ sentencing memo filed with the court, he is also paying another $16 million in back taxes and interest. Even after those payments, he will still, according to an accounting he gave the government, be worth more than $1.8 billion.
Warner, in contrast to Olenicoff, was required to plead guilty to the more serious offense of tax evasion and federal prosecutors had asked that he get at least a year and a day of jail time. In their sentencing memo, they dismissed Olenicoff’s no jail deal as an “outlier” because it took place “prior to the discovery of the scope and depth of the scheme to evade taxes perpetrated by UBS AG and its customers.”
In pushing for a jail term for Warner, prosecutors said in their court filing that probation “would further a public perception that a defendant of means can avoid further punishment simply by writing a large check” and could lead would-be evaders “to believe that if they underreport their income, they can simply pay a fine and the tax due.” (The government more successfully used a public message argument before action star Wesley Snipes was sentenced to a three-year sentence on tax charges, the maximum allowed in his case.) In arguing for jail for Warner, prosecutors noted that some offshore tax cheats have gone to jail and those who have avoided prison had less money offshore and in some cases had provided prosecutors information about banks and asset managers it didn’t already have.
But Korcoras cited the good works Warner has done, the fines he paid and the fact that he tried unsuccessfully to join the government’s offshore amnesty/voluntary disclosure program. “Warner’s private acts of kindness, benevolence and generosity are overwhelming,” said the judge, who read aloud several letters from Warner supporters. He added, according to a report broadcast on Chicago’s WBBM Newsradio, that he had struggled with the decision, but considered his decision just. In addition to requiring community service, he fined Warner $100,000.
According to the Tribune , after the sentencing, U.S. Attorney Zachary Fardon told reporters that despite the no-jail sentence, prosecutors had “held Mr. Warner accountable by bringing this case.” He added: ”It’s not what we asked for…But we have taken a position we think is fair and right under the circumstances, and that is the best that we can do.”
Warner applied to the IRS’ offshore amnesty program in September 2009, but was rejected because prosecutors already had his name, making him ineligible. More than 39,000 taxpayers have been granted amnesty from criminal prosecution since the Internal Revenue Service started the program in 2009. His lawyers had speculated that his was one of the 285 names UBS turned over to the U.S. government in February 2009 as part of a deal to avoid prosecution, but prosecutors said they learned of Warner’s secret account back in 2008. Moreover, they pointed out, by the time Warner tired to enter the program, his UBS banker, Hansreudi Schumacher, had been indicted and another Schumacher client, Jeffrey Chernick, a toy manufacturer, had pleaded guilty. Chernick, who had a maximum of $8 million offshore, cooperated with prosecutors and was sentenced to three months incarceration. Ironically, one of the longest offshore sentences was imposed on Bradley Birkenfeld, the former UBS banker who became a whistleblower and exposed the extent of the bank’s business with tax evading Americans. He got 40 months, (prosecutors claimed he didn’t tell them about client Olenicoff), but later won a $104 million IRS informant’s award, the largest ever.
In 1996, after Beanie Babies took off, Warner went to Switzerland to open a secret account at UBS. The government says he has never explained whether the money he put in the account was previously taxed or skimmed from his business. (Clearly, however, he reported the vast majority of his income; in 1999, at the height of the craze, Warner reported $662 million in adjusted gross income on his tax return, the government itself noted in its pre-sentencing filing.)
In 2002, after UBS signed a “Qualified Intermediary Agreement” with the Internal Revenue Service that required it to report certain information about U.S. taxpayers, Schumacher left UBS and advised some of his customers to move their money to Zuercher Kantonalbank (ZKB). That year, Warner again traveled to Switzerland and instructed UBS to move his money to ZKB and communicate only with Schumacher.
According to his lawyers, Warner, who owns New York’s Four Season hotel, as well as toy company Ty, Inc., has paid $1 billion in taxes over his lifetime.
Warner left the courtroom today without comment on his sentence. But a PR representative later emailed reporters a statement from Gregory Scandaglia, Warner’s legal counsel. “We are grateful for and humbled by the judge’s ruling,” it read. “The judge heard from many people who have benefited from Ty’s quiet generosity over the years, and he crafted a sentence that allows Ty to continue to make amends in a way that most benefits society. ”